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Portland Bureau of Development Services in the New City Government Overhaul

Jordan Ramis office in downtown Portland
June 26, 2024 | 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

The Jordan Ramis Real Estate Blender is a free networking event for development & real estate professionals held at the Jordan Ramis office in Downtown Portland

The city reorganization is big news and begins July 1. There will be five main service areas and directors for each who will oversee bureaus and other city operations, including BDS. A new city administrator will oversee the five service areas.

In addition to the bigger changes, the city passed a resolution in August 2023 to streamline the permitting process. (The newly combined organization will be known as Portland Permitting and Development as of July 1.)

  • How will the new city organization affect the development processes?
  • Old vs. new permitting processes: How has the bureau met the permitting design goals:
  • Reducing timelines?
  • Improving customer service?
  • Improving performance?
  • What has been development community reaction?

Our speakers are City of Portland veterans:

  • Michael Jordan, Chief Administrative Officer, will discuss the broader city reorganization.
  • David Kuhnhausen, Director of BDS, will discuss the permitting process and other changes impacting this department.

Join us for happy hour drinks and hors d’oeuvres.


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