Jordan Ramis Attorney Tegan Schlatter was appointed as Secretary of the Oregon State Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) Section. Schlatter’s year-long position will take effect January 1, 2016.
The Oregon State Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section provides its members with information about new laws and works through the Oregon State Bar to give input on bills concerning the Oregon legislature. As secretary, Schlatter will assist in the organization and communication of the section’s responsibilities.
“We are pleased that Tegan has been selected to serve on the executive committee for the Oregon State Bar Alternative Resolution Section,” said Jordan Ramis Managing Shareholder Chris Reive. “Her strong dispute resolution skills and familiarity with the various forms of ADR will serve the section well.”
Admitted in Oregon, the U.S. District Court of Oregon, and Washington, Schlatter’s practice focuses on commercial litigation and construction. She also has experience in business disputes, creditors’ rights and bankruptcy, insurance defense, and real estate litigation.
December 14, 2015
Tegan Schlatter Appointed as Secretary of the Oregon State Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section