“Biden admin thinks ‘regulation is the answer’ to crypto” Fox Business Video Clip
February 7, 2022
On February 7, 2022, Jordan Ramis Attorney Gregory Zerzan joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network to discuss cryptocurrency.…
On March 15, 2022, Jordan Ramis Attorney Gregory Zerzan joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network to discuss cryptocurrency. Zerzan argues the only thing not blamed on cryptocurrencies in President Biden’s executive order is COVID-19.
Zerzan states, “The challenge with a digital currency is if the U.S. tried to do a bitcoin-like distributed ledger cryptocurrency, the U.S. would either get great fiscal discipline or, more likely, eventually go bankrupt. So, I don’t think we’re going to see a digital dollar anytime in the near future.”
Watch the video clip by clicking below.
Source: Fox Business Network
Tags: Governmental Services, Financial Services