May 13, 2016

Jamie Howsley Joins Vancouver City Council’s Strategic Plan Oversight Committee


Jordan Ramis PC shareholder Jamie Howsley joins the City of Vancouver’s effort to implement the 2016-2021 strategic plan that offers better livability, vibrancy, and economic stability for the city.


As part of the 20-member Strategic Oversight Committee that is led by the mayor pro-tem, Howsley will assist in monitoring the execution of the six-year strategic plan.  Some of what the plan includes is developing better transportation systems and housing choices, ensuring safer infrastructure, and creating a more vibrant arts and cultural community.


Each member will be accountable for one of the strategic plan’s objectives.  Howsley, a land use attorney with 15 years of development experience, will be focused on housing issues.


“Jamie’s breadth of experience has given him the knowledge and understanding to serve effectively on the Vancouver City Council’s Strategic Plan Oversight Committee,” said Jordan Ramis Managing Shareholder Chris Reive.  “We are confident Jamie will serve the committee well and continue to be a valuable asset to the community and development industry.”


The committee will have its first meeting in November 2016 where they will establish specific goals for 2017.  Moving forward, they will meet twice per year to evaluate the progress of each objective and, in addition, present an annual update to the City Council. 

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