April 30, 2024

SUCCESSFUL SALE: Jordan Ramis attorney helps smooth the sale of an Oregon manufacturing facility


Aside from a day-to-day flow of wills, trusts, and other estate legal work, Jordan Ramis Attorney Mark W. Eves helps to make business transactions flow with few bumps.

Mark recently helped close a business acquisition by a large, mid-west, multi-line consumer products manufacturer that purchased a smaller private Oregon chemical manufacturing company, its production equipment and complimentary product line. The sale, which closed in March 2024, was for more than $30 million.

The transaction included part stock sale, part asset sale, a long term premise lease, and the Seller’s Oregon management team owning a stake in the Buyer.

Mark’s involvement began as a call in October 2023 by a business broker who had worked with Mark on several previous transactions that had closed. From that point on, finalizing the transaction took five months. Almost all of the business transactions that Mark has guided have been for private or family-owned businesses.

Transactions of this kind typically begin with nondisclosure agreements and a non-binding letter of intent, followed by due diligence. The final sale documents are then negotiated and include warranties and representations, usually a mine field, which often consume more than half of the sale agreement. Many larger transactions today include representation and warranty insurance, which is a new feature in the past ten years of business transactions.

Getting assurances to protect intellectual property also was important, as well as the Oregon plant owners continuing their roles supporting the business.

Tags: Business

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